Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Resolution ver. 2011

2010. It’s been a long, difficult journey, highlighted by some pivotal events in my life:
-I’ve suffered and recovered from a massive episode of heartbreak.
-I’ve found a venue for my creative writing, which serves more as a stream of conscious thought.
-I’ve found Jesus again after nearly 4 years of a hiatus away in the darkness.
-I’ve studied for and taken the MCAT, applied to and interviewed at Medical Schools (I’m STILL interviewing at those medical schools).
-I’ve found out that there are not only different kinds of love, but in the most unexpected places (trust me, I wasn’t looking).
-I’ve gone through the worst academic semester, in my entire career (including middle and high school, and of course college).
-I’ve successfully implemented my 2010 resolution of self-improvement, and plan on continuing this into 2011.
-I am dating the most amazing girl ever, who not only keeps me accountable, but constantly challenges me to love God, keep Him as the center of my universe, and praise Him for what he has done in my life and in those around me.
That being said, my New Year Resolution for 2011 is related to worshipping God. From a very young age, I’ve been blessed with musical talent and a sensitive ear for intonation. Only recently, have I been able to truly use this blessing and gift to worship the One who gave it to me. Being part of the ACF Worship Team has not only opened my eyes to what it means to play worship songs, but also allowed me to find joy in bringing other people’s hearts closer to God through my gift.
One thing that I’ve always looked at with a grain of salt was money. I’ve never really truly valued money, I’ve always seen it as a means to get things done in this physical world that we live in. To that end, I am generous, if not borderline reckless with the way that I spend my money on others. I hardly ever spend things on myself, unless it was through some agreement that I had promised myself, and therefore worked hard for. When I heard Pastor Darrin talk about being promiscuous with your money and not your body, I first felt like I was in the clear, because I was very generous in paying for people’s meals, covering for their tab if they forgot their wallet, etc. However, I realized that I was missing a key aspect of it all. This was God’s money, and I’m only entitled to be spending so much of it, before I have to start giving back.
With that in mind, my New Year Resolution for 2011 is to keep track of my spending per week and give 10% of what I’ve spent on myself and others back to the Church through offerings. This way, I can not only feel like I’m contributing to God’s work here on this Earth, but also, in a way, worship God.
God bless and have a Happy New Year, everyone.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Artist

“The artist colors your world, and the Sun lights up my world.” I remember when I first read the line; it was a nicely written little line on a sheet of paper in the library. Since it was the library, all I did was let out a sigh of contentment. I still get goose bumps just reading and thinking about this phrase. It characterizes not only a transformation, but also realization of self.

I was a fading star, approaching life with the soft grayscale tones that would play the quintessential part of silent movies and bad French movies. Life became something that just happened; day in, day out without any repercussions. I was slowly living the life of doomed monotony—I was content, but not happy.

Then she comes along. She reminded me of a simpler time, back when life wasn’t about this or that…it was about appreciating the simple things in life. It made me realize that we shouldn’t complain to God that we receive minor setbacks; rather, it was more beneficial to praise Him for reminding us how great the good times are. After all, if we didn’t have the bad, we wouldn’t have the good, great or amazing either.

It wasn’t easy, gripping the paintbrush after being out of the game for so long. I wasn’t sure which colors to use, or how much I had to use to mix. All I knew, or remember for that matter, was that the end result was to look pretty. Hence, I’d try my hardest to make it the sweetest, the prettiest, the cutest pictures; if not for me, for her.

But at the end of the day, it reminded me of who I was, changed who I am, and impacted who I will be. She has reignited something in me: the spirit of an artist. Now the different aspects of being an artist have all come in; they can range from something as simple as dancing in the rain to something intentional like writing various notes. If anything, life is exciting again.