Saturday, January 16, 2010

Little Brown Pill

The alarm sounds. 8AM. I open my eyes, slap the alarm silly, and open the blinds. The Sun greets me with a half-hearted smile; I groan and mumble to myself, "Cloudy with a chance of Sun, figures." I roll out of bed, turn on the laptop, and walk around to my room door like a zombie extra out of Michael Jackson's Thriller.

The common room's lights slowly flicker on; the room is silent. "Looks like it's gonna be just me off to class at this hour" I say to myself, and proceed across the meandering hallway to the bathroom. Use the toilet, pop in the contacts, brush the teeth and wash my face; simple as A-B-C.

On the side next to the sink, I see a small, brown pill with a large letter P on it. I think to myself, "Do I really need to swallow that today?" As I have done for the past 20 years, I've put it off, got dressed, checked the news online and got on with my day. Every time I wake up, every time before I go to bed, I think about that little brown pill.

I've heard many stories of that pill:
"Taking it makes your life so much better."
"It takes worse than Chinese medicine mixed in with cheap beer."
"You don't have to swallow it, do you?"

To be frank, I wasn't so sure either. it's hard to preach something that you don't necessarily practice yourself, but one day, I tried it. I swallowed that little brown pill, just to see how it was. They weren't lying about the taste; it certainly didn't feel too good going down, and I'm not sure if I want it to ever come up, if you get the picture. After the funky episode of initial disgust, I realized that life seemed more chill, less stressful, people seemed nicer...overall better.

From that day forward, I have taken and swallowed that pill everyday faithfully. Be it part of someone's new year's resolutions, or just a spur-of-the-moment realization and change in someone's life, or even something as simple as a curious individual trying something new.

Despite not liking it very much, people should always swallow that little brown pill...called Pride.


Angie | said...

brown. it does sound like chinese medicine ewwww.

very good read

caramelodyy said...

like the concept. while reading this i was seriously like "what is this pill and where can i get it?" then i read the last sentence and was like "...oh."

enjoyneer said...

One of my favorite reads from your blog.

@Melody - multivitamins :)