Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Day in the Life

I've got someone that's truly close to my heart. She's wonderful to me, sustains me, feeds me, spends time with me. She's all I've known, and frankly, all I want to know. We've gotten life down to pretty much a routine. She leaves early in the morning for work, and generally doesn't return until dinner time. I stay home, take care of some housekeeping issues, get some exercise on the treadmill, perhaps toss in a nap in on my more lethargic days.

I haven't heard from my family in a while, ever since my brothers and sisters and I grew up of age, we all chased love and before you knew it, we were all separated. The last sibling I saw was my dear youngest sister, she went home with a cute freckled red-headed boy. I could tell she was somewhat reserved at first, but I'm sure she's warmed up to him by now. After all, it's been nearly 2-3 years now since I've seen any of them. I wonder how they're doing sometimes. I sometimes miss them, but all in all I can't complain: I live a simple life, and I have her.

Oftentimes she'll just sit next to me, and speak to me. Whenever I feel like I have her attention, I try to showcase something special that I did that day. Maybe I finally ran a new record distance on the treadmill, maybe I cleaned up the mess around the house, maybe I just act cute so that she'll gush over me. At times like these she'll smile at me sweetly, hold and caress me ever so gently, and when I'm really lucky, she'll sing for me. That feeling of security, that warmth, that touch. I find myself curling up and falling into a blissful sleep with her smiling at me. It's unforgettable.

Things have never always been peachy, though. At times when she is sad, I feel helpless and minuscule. I am never good at talking about these difficult times, and I sometimes feel that she thinks that I never understand her. It gets particularly bad when she gets busy. She'll look at me sadly, and then turn to her computer or her large stack of papers, all covered with unreadable (to me anyway) scribbles of all sorts of colors. She had a period where she'd pick at her own hair, another time just sleep and not wake up, like her only method of escape from all of her stress and problems was to sleep.

Tonight, however, she seems at peace, smiling as she falls asleep. If only I could ever snuggle next to her. Alas, I will never know this feeling, as I sit peering longingly at her...

...from behind my glass hamster cage.


Angie | said...

how clever :) this made me smile. you do great things every day, steve. remember that.

Anonymous said...