Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Choices in Dreams

Once in a while, I dream a dream that feels so real, the details so vivid, that I believe I lived it, experienced it in real life. These experiences seem to be burned into my memory; I can recount them like they happened just now, even if they are a couple days past. Yesterday, I woke up from this dream sweating, but not in cold fear; rather, pure heart-pumping adrenaline.

The dream takes me to a place I don't remember travelling to with family or friends, but it seemed like somewhere I've been to multiple times. I had rock climbing gear on, clipping on all my belays, staring up at the cliff before me. Before I even realize it, time fast forwards, and I'm already halfway up the cliff, pulling stunts even Tom Cruise wouldn't dare do on Mission Impossible. A couple of close calls and a few lucky grabs, I make it up to the top of the outcropping. There, I see two things on opposite sides of the apex. On one side, I see a zip line, guided straight back down in the direction of the camp that I came up from. On the other side, I see a hang glider, perfect condition, facing the horizon of the setting sun. I did not know what was beyond that horizon, only that it compelled me towards it. I look back at the zip line to safety, and swallowing any remaining nervousness, I hooked myself into the hang glider, and pushed off. Right when I looked down to see how high I was flying

I woke up.


caramelodyy said...

that is such a cool dream... i hardly ever remember my dreams :(

mahhh said...

exhilarating! i usu remember what happens when i'm snoozing. it's an odd feeling to know that you're dreaming.

Angie | Pandaphilia.com said...

oh poot don't you always hate it when you wake up during the exciting parts? well at least now you know a little more about yourself ;)