Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Same Old Scheme, New Theme

As it may very well be obvious, I've decided on changing the color theming to my blog. To be perfectly honest, the change was made for a couple reasons: 20% boredom, 25% the feeling of needing a change, 55% a black background doesn't hurt my eyes as much when I'm blogging into the wee hours of the night.

In contrast, here are the things I've been up to, and plan on keeping the same:
1) Reading - I have probably read in the past 2-3 weeks than I have in the entirety of my high school experience. I suppose it was more of finding the right material to read. CS Lewis, you're my man, reading your work and loving it. I've devoted a good chunk of my day to studying the Bible. I plan on continuing this through the summer and into the school year; it's very liberating and educational at the same time (something I definitely did NOT feel with Orgo).

2) Piano - Similarly, I've probably messed with piano and experimented with new chord progressions and melodies more in this last week than I have all of junior year. Oh, dear pianoforte, how I've missed you. This will be a very happy summer.

3) Basketball - My friends back home do not have a summer pick-up league for soccer. None of them really play football either. Bummer right? Instead, we're now playing basketball perhaps 2-3 times a week, and I get to practice my mid-range jumper on my hoop at home. Gotta stay fit somehow, right?

4) Prayer - My summer started off with the Lord guiding me through a difficult time, and I couldn't have done it without all the prayers of those dear to me. It's my turn to pray for those of you going through your own challenges.

5) Computer - As lame as it sounds, I spend a fair amount of time online, doing various things ranging from online video games to episodes of Glee. But most importantly, I get to catch up with all of those I've managed to catch online on GChat. I've managed to webcam with a few of you guys already, always nice to see your faces. Do chat me up, I'd love to hear from all of you!

I think this'll keep me fairly entertained/busy for the most part. Like the Black Eyed Peas sang, I've got a feeling...this summer's gonna be a good summer.


Inaurum said...

Ingold Huang likes this.

enjoyneer said...

C.S. Lewis's books are amazing.